Lakeshore Arts invites you to attend our Annual General Meeting on November 21 at 6:30pm
Come one, come all to our 2016 Annual General Meeting! We invite all Lakeshore Arts members in good standing to attend, as well as anyone interested in learning more about the organization.
Food & refreshments will be on offer as we honour our valuable volunteers and welcome new members to our Board of Directors. We are also thrilled to welcome Brad Saunders from Community Living Toronto as a guest speaker.
The meeting will address the following:
> receive and consider the president’s report, the executive director’s report, the financial statements and the report of the auditors for the fiscal year August 1st, 2015 to July 31, 2016
> appoint auditors and authorize the directors to fix their remuneration
> elect directors
> transact any further business as may properly be brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof
To renew or purchase a membership click here. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote. Memberships will also be available at the AGM. If you cannot attend but would like to vote please complete our proxy form and submit to