Explore living colour with Spontaneous Atelier. In this workshop we will explore the age old art form of making pigments for cloth using botanicals from our local landscape. Using traditional & exploratory methods we unfold earthen alchemy into cloth, a magic process. This art form cultivates a deeper perspective of our relationship to our environment we call home! Open to all ages of colour lovers.
About the Artist:
Spontaneous Atelier creates living colour healing textiles by colourist, designer & herbalist Nicole Varney. Nicole is a multidisciplinary artist telling stories of ecological consciousness through her works; creating textile art with handmade pigments of Ontario’s bio-region. She currently teaches for Fashion Takes Action and shares her holistic approach to natural colour through colour workshops throughout Ontario.
These drop-in activities are FREE for all!
Location: Lakeshore Arts 2422 Lake Shore Blvd. W.
Dates: July 22 & 29, 2017 | 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Ages: ALL
Contact: communityprograms@lakeshorearts.ca