October 4 – December 10, 2021
for all, I care examines how existing systems harm or help, exploit or nurture us depending on our social location. Developed in response to conversations with people in the South Etobicoke area on their feelings and experiences of care for self and others, the project pulls the affective under closer examination and considers the forms and materiality of care through digital art, sound art and installation at Lakeshore Arts’ Community Project Space.

Exhibition Hours
Our Community Project Space will be open for visitors to view the exhibition for a limited number of dates. Visitors will be required to do a covid screening at entry, wear masks and physically distance. Six visitors will be allowed inside at a time and are encouraged to keep their visit to 30 minutes in order to allow others into the space. See below for dates and times from Nov. 6-Dec.10, 2021:
Saturday November 6, 12-4pm
Friday November 12, 5-9pm
Thursday November 18, 11am-4pm
Friday November 26, 5-9pm
Saturday December 4, 12-4pm
Thursday December 9, 11am-4pm
Friday December 10, 5-9pm
*Please note we can accommodate visitors who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons by offering a scheduled appointment viewing. If you would like to schedule a viewing please email: jacqui@lakeshorearts.ca
About the collective
Tamil Archive Project (TAP) is a migratory collective started in Scarborough that prioritizes the participation of racialized communities with histories of marginalization. Their mandate is to take programming to the streets and neighbourhoods without clearly defined art spaces as well as provide interventions in existing ones. TAP wishes to reimagine how art can be fluid in these areas through crossing physical and social barriers to participation in such spaces. They believe the archival function of our collective plays a key role in reminding artists and friends alike that there are legacies of resistance and art to draw from locally.
TAP participates in shaping current representations of their communities by engaging in research and producing accessible knowledge by and for members of the affected community.
Meet the members

Vasuki Shanmuganathan
Vasuki Shanmuganathan is a researcher, artist and educator. She holds a PhD from the University of Toronto. In 2016, she started the Tamil Archive Project (TAP) collective, which combines art, knowledge translation, and archival practices into accessible events that centre care. She previously worked as Assistant Director of Mayworks Festival of Working People & the Arts and is on the board of Whippersnapper Gallery. Her art practice engages with the archiving of the mundane and symbiotic forms of engagements such as communal care. Instagram: @manikudu

Luxvna Uthayakumar
Luxvna Uthayakumar is an emerging artist and designer residing in Tkaronto. She is a collective member of Tamil Archive Project, and is the editor-in-chief of Tamil Futures Magazine. She was awarded the Forge Media + Design Registered Graphic Designer’s Award for Motion Design in 2019 and the City of Toronto Award in 2020. She does not limit herself to one medium, and is often exploring new ways to communicate that which is not obvious to the eye. Instagram: @luxvna

Krish Dineshkumar
Krish Dineshkumar is an audio producer, creative archivist, and cook. He seeks inspiration from a wide variety of music, film scores, and the conversations had on his podcast High Top Flip Flops: a show that uses comedy-based storytelling to have candid conversations with marginalized artists. He has scored music most recently for the film Snowbirds (2020) which premiered at Inside Out Film Festival 2020, and Parked (2021), a mini documentary through the National Film Board. Krish is a member of the Tamil Archive Project collective, under which he will be running Cooked Until Tender, a project that provides mental health support for racialized men through the culinary arts. Instagram: @krishnotchris

Aarati Akkapeddi
Aarati Akkapeddi is a Telugu-American cross-disciplinary artist, coder, and educator, interested in the poetics and politics of datasets. They work with both personal and institutional archives in order to explore how identities and histories are shaped by different methods of collecting, preserving and presenting data. In their work, they often use family photographs and archival images as source material. They combine code, machine learning, and analogue techniques (such as photography, printmaking, & embossing) with these images to create performative rituals of information extraction. Their work has been recognized by institutions such as The Etopia Center for Art & Technology in Zaragoza, Spain, Ada X in Montreal, CA, The Center for Heritage Arts & Textile in Hong Kong, and NYC Media Lab in New York City. Currently they are part-time faculty at Parsons School for Design where they teach in the Design & Technology and Data Visualization departments.

Who takes care of you?

Artist Talk
October 30, 2021, 2-4PM
Online: Zoom
Join us for a talk with artists Luxvna Uthayakumar, Krish Dineshkumar, Aarati Akkapeddi, and Vasuki Shanmuganathan of Tamil Archive Project, where they will interview each other about their artwork and process. Audiences are welcome to submit questions beforehand and enter into a discussion with the collective members during the Q&A.
Gestures into Feelings [GIF] Workshop
November 27, 2021, 2-4pm
Online: Zoom
This workshop will show you how to turn gestures into feelings by creating images or composing texts. Tamil Archive Project will guide you in thinking about your gestures and how these emit feelings to loved ones near or far. Through access to a cellphone or other camera device such as a computer, we will create several GIFs or what we call gestures into feelings. These can serve as digital means of sending care to one another when words feel inadequate. Next, we will use your newly created ones or already existing GIFs on our website forallicare.ca to compose alt-texts which can be in the form of anecdotes, poems, messages, or memories to send to others. We hope to leave you having experienced caring gestures in a digital communal space and with a fun set of GIFs to share with those around you.

Project Funder
for all, I care project is funded by the City of Toronto.