Call for Board of Directors
Apply now to join our team of dedicated volunteer directors! Deadline: Friday, November 12,…

LSA Pie Auction 2022
The much loved LSA Pie Auction returns in-person this year! Celebrate the fall season…

GSAs in Canadian High Schools – Ye or Nay? #LSAPrideSeries
This opinion article is written by Jules Sherwood. A queer, nonbinary performer, writer, and…

How Hollywood Underrepresents the Queer, Disabled & Racialized Community
“Representation isn’t true representation unless it can be seen in the piece of media…

Disability Pride Month
” I am proud to know you” Jasmine Noseworthy Persaud This article honours and…

In solidarity with the Indigenous communities
Today we reflect on the deeply embedded settler-colonial and white-supremacist roots this country was…

Pride History
June marks Pride Month, a time to celebrate the diversity of 2SLGBTQI+ communities while acknowledging…

The world i want to see
It all begins with an idea and the vision for a better future. If...

Queer As In Here: Q Summit's Digital Anthology
Q Summit is a program aimed at creating safe spaces and exploring advocacy through...

Call for Participants: Black History Month
Open call for all community members from the African diaspora to share a cultural…

Bye 2020: A message from LSAs' ED
2020 was one of change, challenge, caring and celebration. While the pandemic meant our organization...

Lakeshore Arts Invites you to our virtual Annual General Meeting. Join us via zoom…

I’m part of the Lakeshore Arts’ Community: a #GivingTuesday Donor Q&A
We recently spoke with donor Austin Keitner of the Keitner Group, to ask him…

Addressing Anti-Black Racism: HR UPDATE
Throughout October and November, we have been working with Tina Garnett of Providence International…

Community Arts Canopy: Rebuilding Toronto's Arts & Culture Sector
Amidst another lockdown, our communities are turning to many community arts organizations as a…

Live in Toronto? Are you creative and an outside the box thinker; wants to…